Since DSpace is built on open source, standards-based tools, there are numerous other possibilities and setups.Īlso, please note that the configuration and installation guidelines relating to a particular tool below are here for convenience.
The list below describes the third-party components and tools you'll need to run a DSpace server. However, if you intend to run DSpace for a large community of potential end users, carefully review the Hardware Recommendations in the User FAQ Prerequisite Software You can install and run DSpace on most modern PC, laptop or server hardware. bin/dspace create-administrator Hardware Recommendations Psql -username=postgres dspace -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto 'Ĭd /dspace/target/dspace-installerĬp -r /webapps/* /webapps Createuser -username=postgres -no-superuser -pwprompt dspaceĬreatedb -username=postgres -owner=dspace -encoding=UNICODE dspace